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  The Maruti Story : How A Public Sector Company Put India On Wheels

The Maruti Story : How A Public Sector Company Put India On Wheels

by R.C. Bhargava

  Price : Rs 799.00
  Your Price : Rs 623.22
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  A story that proves that Indians when empowered can change the course of history…

The targets were stupendous and considered unachievable by almost everyone. Slightly over two years to find a suitable partner, finalize all legal documentation, get governmental approval to these agreements as well as to the investment proposals, build a factory, develop a supplier base to meet localization regulations, create a sales and service network, and develop and launch a peoples car that would sell 100,000 a year, in a sector where Indian expertise was limited. And to do this as a public sector company, having to follow all governmental systems and procedures, and having to please both its masters in the government and Suzuki Motor Corporation. However, the Maruti project succeeded, and in ways that were unimaginable in 1983. The car revolutionized the industry and put a country on wheels. Suddenly, ordinary middle-class men and women could aspire to own a reliable, economical and modern car, and the steep sales targets were easily met. Twenty-six years later, the company, now free of government controls and facing competition from the worlds major manufacturers who have entered the Indian market, still leads the way. Not only that, cars made by Maruti can be seen in all continents.

By any yardstick, it is an incredible story, involving grit, management skill and entrepreneurship of a high order. R.C. Bhargava, who was at the helm of the company, and is currently its chairman, co-writing with senior journalist and author Seetha, shows how it was done in this riveting account of a landmark achievement.


ISBN : 9789350291825

Pages : 412
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