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  NCERT Solutions - Biology for Class 11th

Ncert Solutions - Biology For Class 11Th

by Poonam Sharma

  Price : Rs 210.00
  Your Price : Rs 168.00
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  NCERT Textbooks play the most vital role in developing student`s understanding and knowledge about a subject and the concepts or topics covered under a particular subject. Keeping in mind this immense importance and significance of the NCERT Textbooks in mind, Arihant has come up with a unique book containing Questions-Answers of NCERT Textbook based questions. This book containing solutions to NCERT Textbook questions has been designed for the students studying in Class XI following the NCERT Textbook for Biology.

The present book has been divided into 22 Chapters namely Biological Classification, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Biomolecules, Mineral Nutrition, Respiration in Plants, Digestion & Absorption, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Cell Cycle & Cell Division, Respiration in Plants, Body Fluids & Circulation, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Locomotion & Movement, etc covering the syllabi of Biology for Class XI. This book has been worked out with an aim of overall development of the students in such a way that it will help students define the way how to write the answers of the textbook based questions. The book covers selected NCERT Exemplar Problems which will help the students understand the type of questions and answers to be expected in the Class XI Biology Examination. Also each chapter in the book begins with a summary of the chapter which will help in effective understanding of the theme of the chapter and to make sure that the students will be able to answer all popular questions concerned to a particular chapter whether it is Long Answer Type or Short Answer Type Question. For the overall benefit of students the book has been designed in such a way that it not only gives solutions to all the exercises but also gives detailed explanations which will help the students in learning the concepts and will enhance their thinking and learning abilities.

As the book has been designed strictly according to the NCERT Textbook of Biology for Class XI and contains simplified text material in the form of class room notes and answers to all the questions in lucid language, it for sure will help the Class XI students in an effective way for Biology.  

ISBN : 9789351416265

Pages : 488
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