It is said that practice is the only way to ace your preparation. And the best way is to solve the sample question papers to understand the weightage of marks, type of questions asked, and develop a familiarity with the examination patterns. iSucceed series presents “CBSE BOARD EXAMS 2021 iSucceed 10 Sample Question Papers Information Technology (Code 402) X” which has been revised as the latest CBSE Sample Paper issued on 16-Sept.-2022. The book begins with a special section of the Qualifying round to give you an assessment of your chapterwise knowledge before attempting Sample Question Papers. The solutions to this section are given in the end with a stepwise marking & CBSE marking scheme. 10 Sample Question Papers provided in this book are leveled into three stages with the purpose of step-by-step enhancement in the performance of students. Stage 1: It has 3 Sample Question Papers in which each question Paper is followed by its complete solution. Stage 2: It has 4 Sample Question Papers in which each question Paper is followed by its solution but in the form of a hint. Stage 3: It has 3 unsolved question papers which are only provided for sole practice. To level up your preparation, the latest CBSE Sample Paper is given with well-detailed solutions to give an idea about the marking scheme and the question pattern. For last moment revision, this book facilitates “one day before the exam” to enhance performance and score best. 1. A complete practice tool to score the best in the Information Technology (Code 402) board exam 2023 2. Includes Qualifying round section to brush the concepts 3. Divides 10 samples papers into 3 Stages to enhance the preparation 4. Fully solved latest CBSE sample paper to understand the exam pattern 5. At the end “One Day Before exam” is included to revise all concepts 6. Online guidance is available for unsolved Sample Question Papers
ISBN : 9789327195620
Pages : 99