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  Urban Productive SafetyNet Programme Impacton Livelihood

Urban Productive Safetynet Programme Impacton Livelihood

by Dr. Karanam Viswa Bhushan

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 328.50
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  Productive safety net is one component of the social protection designed to support the poor and reduce vulnerability in Ethiopia. Social protection generally encompasses social and economic transfers, access to services, social support and care services, and equity and non-discrimination legislation and policies.This book emphasized on the contributions of Urban Productive Safety Net Programme (UPSNP) in improving livelihoods of beneficiaries in Dire Dawa city, Ethiopia. It is explained that how the beneficiaries are benefited through the programme in improving the access to food of beneficiary households.The programme has also provided additional and stable sources of income for the households. UPSNP has enhanced working habit of public work beneficiaries, improved saving culture and strengthened social networks. The programme waschallenged by inadequacy of transfer amounts, weakcoordination among stakeholders, weak commitment among government officials and delay of transfer of payments.This book is very useful to the those who are engaged in various social welfare programmes and working for the poorer and vulnerable sections of the society and to promote qualitative services

ISBN : 9789353243241

Pages : 104
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