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  Land Development andGood Governance: Practice and Challenges

Land Development Andgood Governance: Practice And Challenges

by Dr. Karanam Viswa Bhushan

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 328.50
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  Good Governance is at the heart of sustainable development and the alleviation of poverty . It is good for economic growth. It augments production inputs, such as labor and capital, and enhances the productivity of those inputs. Good Governance influence the distribution of the benefits of economic growth as income distribution is a crucial factor in transforming growth into poverty reduction. Governance thus has a dual impact: on growth and its distribution. It can increase growth and improve income equity , reduce poverty and spur advances towards the Millennium Development Goals.This book emphasized on the practices and challenges of good governance mainly focused on five good governance principles, like transparency, accountability, participation, efficiency andeffectiveness. The research study conducted in land development and management office of Bole Sub-City This book helps to develop an understanding on various problems like lack of transparency, lack of accountability, lack of public participation through different activities, lack of efficiency and effectiveness, poor management system, Nepotism, bribery, poor service delivery, extortion and favoritism, lack of commitment in promoting good governanceThis book not only explains the problems and challenges and also suggests certain strategic approaches to promote good governance. The knowledge of the book is useful and helpful to practice good governance to promote qualitative services among the organizations. This book stands as a guide to those who are working at management and administrative positions in various organizations.

ISBN : 9789353243265

Pages : 110
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