The author has painstakingly prepared the text of these two volumes to give a good coverage on India and Sri Lanka when he was a scribe in Sri Lanka in the 19th century, with stories that are at once both entertaining and informative. The increased facilities of intercourse with Europe are rapidly producing innovations in India, and in Anglo-Indian life. Railways and the electric telegraph, a Civil Service no longer to be appointed on account of its family connections, and a public opinion in England bearing upon Indian government, must, sooner or later, produce a complete revolution in the ordinary existence. Both the volumes discuss about political, social, and private, that caught his attention, and interest, during his various editorships. The volume 1 contains the colonial newspaper; jungle accidents; Calcutta and its vehicles; the fashionable church in Calcutta; Anglo-Indian comforts; newspaper editing if the Far-East; steaming up the Ganges; the priests harem in Delhi, etc. The volume 2 covers the Seikhs and their founder; the educated and the uneducated Hindu; the emperor Napoleon and king glass; a ghost story, a launch in the Crater of a Volcano, the Omnibuses of the Land of Goshen and Ceylonese History etc. So, in that perspective it is immensely good for common readers.