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  Touring In Sikkim And Tibet

Touring In Sikkim And Tibet

by David Macdonald

  Price : Rs 570.00
  Your Price : Rs 416.10
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  This book was intended by the author, the British Trade Agent in Tibet, to serve as a guide book for people wanting to travel or trek in this area. It gives short notes on the history, people, religion, flora, fauna and Lepidoptera etc. It gives the equipment to be carried clothes to be packed, rates of coolies and mules and other information useful to the traveler of those days. Added along are various routes that the traveler is suggested to take. It will be found hints to the intending tourist in the Darjeeling Hills, in Sikkim, and in Tibet. These notes are the result of personal experience of the writer and members of his family, who, resident in Tibet and Sikkim for many years, have experience of practically every possible tour that the visitor is likely to make. Since the publication of the most recent Guide Book to these Hills, conditions and prices have considerably altered, and these facts, together with repeated requests from friends and travellers who have passed through Kalimpong form the excuse for the present pamphlet. Realising that in a volume of the present size many points of interest to the individual must necessarily be omitted, the author wishes to inform any intending tourist that he will be pleased, on request, to give any further information that may be of use in particular cases.

ISBN : 9788121241342

Pages : 152
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