Boundaries, Aquatic habits; Route to Bengal by water. Route to Burma and China via Hookoong. Cause of Decline, Disqualifications for Throne, People, Women, Native Christians, Burmese, Agriculture, Animals, Gold. Silver, Iron, Coal, Lime, Arts. Trade, Seasons, Storms, Rains, Inundation, Extent of Assam, Divisions, Salubrity, Malaria, Properties of, Sources of —-Marshes, Revenue, Judicial and Police, Feudal system, Hill Tribes of Assam, Booteas, Akas, Duphlas, and Koffachors, Abors, Bor-Abors, and Mishmis, Kangtis. Bor-Kangtis, Singphos, Muamarias OR Mattucks, Nagas, Munnipore, Cacharis, Kassyas, Garrows.
ISBN : 9788121264402
Pages : 190