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  To The Snows Of Tibet Through China

To The Snows Of Tibet Through China

by A. E. Pratt

  Price : Rs 570.00
  Your Price : Rs 416.10
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  About the Book :- The author reveals that it was not until after his return to Europe that the thought occurred to him of putting the notes of his experiences in China into the shape of a book, which is now presented to the reader. The work makes no pretension to be anything more than a straightforward, unvarnished account of trips into very little known parts of China and Tibet. He has avoided, as far as possible, descriptions of places and scenes which have been previously described, and have also done his best to withstand the temptation to generalise from limited experience, to which travellers in China seem peculiarly liable. He avails himself of this preface to express his deep obligations to many friends who have helped him in one way and another. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. It contains numerous illustrations and a map.

ISBN : 9788121241236

Pages : 345
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