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  Time Management

Time Management

by U.B. Singh

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.50
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  Every of us should remeber that it is what we do during 24 hours or 86,400 seconds of each day that will ultimately determine how successful one is in his career. Time is money. It is limited and valuable resource. Time is life as measured out in years, months, days, hours minutes and seconds. Nothing is more important to human being than using this free gift of time effectively, generously and wisely. Obviously, no one can control time in the sense of shaping it, slowing it down or speeding it up. But he can apply it economically to the tasks he has to accomplish. Time is thus scarcest resource and unless time is managed nothing can be managed. Time management should be taken as a fun. It should not be a complicated daily chor. It should be kept as simple as possible. It should be Kept as simple as possible. If life is plaanned, time is planned automatically. Good time planning facilitates quality life. Hence time management should be treated as life management. There is no need to plan the life because time management is life management. In a nutshell, everybody should have a time plan. For the purpose, one should first identify his different roles. Each role should first identify his different roles. Each role should be allocated some time. This plan ideally may be for a week. Week should be planned in advance and reviewed one day earlier. Such a time management plan should be simple, easy, underestabable and feasible to follow. Although the study forces around the HRD Mangers, the concept and philosophy is one and same for every successful person.

ISBN : 9788178356808

Pages : 274
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