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  Through Russian Central Asia

Through Russian Central Asia

by Stephen Graham

  Price : Rs 590.00
  Your Price : Rs 430.70
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  About the Book :- The narrator has portrayed the travel account is of a journey that the author under took in 1914. Leaving Vladikavkaz in early spring, he travelled extensively in central Asia, visiting the famed cities of Samarkand Bokhara, Khiva, Tashkent and other small town, while making his way to the Chinese border. There are extensive observations on the Kirghiz people and on their daily life, customs, caravans, occupations etc. The author describes the scenery and the geography, along with various other snippets of useful information he observed while travelling. The political scenario is also considered in this narrative. There is a map of his route and 37 other photographs and sketches in this book to arouse a greater amount interest amongst the common readers. It was first published in 1916.

ISBN : 9788121241052

Pages : 366
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