While some of our wars in India are open to the charge that they were undertaken on slight provocation, and were forced on by us in order that we might have an excuse for annexation, our struggle with Tippoo Saib was, on the other hand, marked by a long endurance of wrong, and a toleration of abominable cruelties perpetrated upon Englishmen and our native allies. It would seem that he massacred for the very pleasure of massacring, and hundreds of British captivates were killed by famine, poison, or torture, simply to gratify his lust for murder. Patience was shown towards this monster until patience became a fault, and our inaction was naturally ascribed by him to fear. The story of the campaign is taken from various sources, and the details of the treatment of the prisoners from the published narratives of two officers who affected their escape from prisons. The book contains 21 chapters and 12 fine illustrations by William Henry Margetson to arouse more interest amongst common readers.
ISBN : 9788121241168
Pages : 442