About The Book -: I have endeavoured in this book to make not only the Story but the teaching of the Buddha intelligible and human, so that those who wish to understand one of the greatest, facts in history may not find themselves entangled in the mazes of scholastic terms, and may perhaps be enabled to realise its strange coincidences with modern psychology and certain scientific verities. It is, at all events, a Truth which influenced not only the mightiest thinkers of Greece and Rome, but also the beginnings of Christian teaching—which it antedated by five or six hundred years. It may well claim kindred with all the great faiths, persecuting and opposing none which differ with it, and this for reasons which are easily seen in the teachings themselves. In relation to its noble and scientific austerity no words are needed. It any Buddhist scholars should look into this book they will recall the immense difficulty of (so to speak) translating their work for the public, especially where the words of one language often fail to represent the thought of another.