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  The Path Of The Elders A Modern Exposition Of Ancient Buddhism

The Path Of The Elders A Modern Exposition Of Ancient Buddhism

by Ernest Erle Power

  Price : Rs 1010.00
  Your Price : Rs 737.30
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  This volume presents a popular and modern discussion of the Buddhist sect of Theravada, accepted by some to the original thought of Buddhism. Often called the Hinayana, it stands in distinction to the other sect of Mahayana. Individual exertion, rather than community striving, is the underlying current in Hinayana. This school is now found in Ceylon, Burma and Thailand. The book is on the form of a series of papers that notice each fundamental aspect individually. This book is on Theravada Buddhism. Although written in the 1920`s the content is relevant to today`s thinking on morality and ethics. It`s a wonderful introduction to Theravada Buddhism. Roughly speaking, Buddhism falls into these two divisions: the Hinayana (sometimes called Southern Buddhism), referring to the methods of reaching Nibbana by individual exertion and therefore represented as the little vehicle, for each man constructs his own raft upon which to cross the stream of transitory existence; the Mahayana (also called Northern Buddhism), on the other hand, as a collective vehicle for the masses, requiring less individual understanding and effort, and depending more upon the guidance of those who constitute themselves leaders to salvation. Among the chapters the reader will find sound and informative material on: the Great Recognitions; the Noble Eight-Fold Path; the Soul; Kamma (Karma); the Five Constituents; Nibbana (Nirvana); the Universe; Deity and the final chapter is on the Brotherhood. A classic exposition of the Buddhist faith written with the western audience in mind, first published in 1928.

ISBN : 9788121238809

Pages : 255
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