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  The Living Religions Of The Indian People (Wilde Lectures, Oxford, 1932-34)

The Living Religions Of The Indian People (Wilde Lectures, Oxford, 1932-34)

by Nicol Macnicol

  Price : Rs 1290.00
  Your Price : Rs 941.70
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  About The Book -: The books examines the religions of the Hindus, Muslims, Jainas, Sikhs, Parsis and Christians and ascertains the factors that have made them immortal. It traces their quintessential qualities which attract and satisfy the religious needs of a broad spectrum of people ranging from the primitive tribal at one extremity and the urbane modern man at the other. The simplicity and sympathy of narration of this book makes it useful to all.Religion has remained from time immemorial the one infallible and inexhaustible source of solace for Man at times of crises in his life. It is this frail bark which provides him with the means of escape from this world of unceasing turmoil. With its message as rudder, with hope, faith and courage as sails, with patience and endurance as oars and with its seers as compass, Man voyages across the ocean of life, overcomes its raging tempests and finally reaches the Promised Land whence there is no return. Man`s problems and needs vary and change with his nature, age and environment. Those religions that could keep pace with his changing needs alone have survived while those that could not became extinct.

ISBN : 9788121229968

Pages : 326
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