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  The Lights And Shades Of Hill Life Kulu Kuram

The Lights And Shades Of Hill Life Kulu Kuram

by F. St. J. Gore

  Price : Rs 1230.00
  Your Price : Rs 897.90
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  About the Book :- An endeavour has been made, in taking these two valleys of one province alone of the vast continent, to recall how utterly different in race and nationality, religion and character, the inhabitants we know as ‘Indians’ are. What we call India has absolutely no meaning to any of the native dwellers within the area. It is a vast conglomeration of distinct peoples and nationalities, conquered by British blood freely shed, and welded together solely by the physical and moral strength of a superior race—a conglomeration which consists of some fourteen distinct races, speaking some seventy-eight different languages, and living in every possible degree of civilisation. This work offers a description of two separate journeys made by the author in 2 areas of the British Empire. He travelled in the Kullu region of the Himalayan and the Kuram region of the NWFP (now in Pakistan). The Kullu part of the book has 4 chapters and the Kurram part has 6. It further contains 72 photographs and 21 wood cuts. These were reproduced from drawings kindly contributed by Count Ferdinand Harrach and K. M. Bernard.

ISBN : 9788121237260

Pages : 435
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