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  The Law of Population: Its Consequences, and Its Bearing Upon Human Conduct and Morals

The Law Of Population: Its Consequences, And Its Bearing Upon Human Conduct And Morals

by Annie Besant

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 73.00
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  The law of population first laid down in this country by the Rev. T. R. Malthus in his great work, entitled "The Principle of Population," has long been known to every student, and accepted by every thinker. It is, however, but very recently that this question has become ventilated among the many, instead of being discussed only by the few. Acknowledged as an axiom by the naturalist and by the political economist, the law of population has never been appreciated by the mass of the people. The free press pioneers of the last generation, Richard Carlile, James Watson, Robert Dale Owen—these men had seen its importance and had endeavoured, by cheap publications dealing with it from its practical side, to arouse attention and to instruct those for whom they worked. But the lesson fell on stony ground and passed almost unheeded; it would, perhaps, be fairer to say that the fierce political conflicts of the time threw all other questions into a comparative shade.

ISBN : 9788121219075

Pages : 48
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