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  Man: Whence, How and Whither: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation

Man: Whence, How And Whither: A Record Of Clairvoyant Investigation

by Annie Besant, Charles Webster Leadbeater

  Price : Rs 1090.00
  Your Price : Rs 795.70
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  The idea that clairvoyant observation is possible is no longer regarded as entirely insane. It is not generally accepted, nor indeed is it accepted to any large extent. A constantly growing minority, however, of fairly intelligent people believe clairvoyance to be a fact, and regard it as a perfectly natural power, which will become universal in the course of evolution. They do not regard it as a miraculous gift, nor as an outgrowth from high Spirituality, Lofty Intelligence, or Purity of character may any or all of these be manifested in a person who is not in the least clairvoyant. They know that it is a power latent in all men, and that it can be developed by anyone who is able and willing to pay the price demanded for its forcing, ahead of the general evolution.

ISBN : 9788121218917

Pages : 550
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