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  The Land Of The Veda Being Personal Reminiscences Of India

The Land Of The Veda Being Personal Reminiscences Of India

by William Butler

  Price : Rs 1170.00
  Your Price : Rs 854.10
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  The writer of this book has aimed to act toward the reader in the relation of a guide, as though he was going over the ground again, and giving the benefit of his experience, in pointing out the objects of interest with which years and study have familiarized his own mind. The thread of the narrative runs through the work, and, so far as the subject permitted, its continuity has been preserved. The writer has not concealed his conviction that human history, and the movements and changes of thrones, and powers, and kingdoms, can be fully understood only in the light of the doctrine of the Second Psalm. Jesus Christ, the divine and eternal Son of God, who created and redeemed this world, is its "Master and Lord." He has not abandoned this world, with its thousand millions of accountable and dying men, to be the victims of the whims and caprice of selfish potentates, deceiving errorists, or wicked spirits in high places, to be forever crushed down beneath their tyranny and misdirection. That repose which the world, and particularly its Oriental portion, so much needs and has so long sighed for, is to be found only in Him; and it will come when He has overthrown the foes of the world`s welfare, and rectified its many wrongs. It contains a plate of Agra Tajmahal.

ISBN : 9788121236874

Pages : 581
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