About the book-: This is a tale of a long and arduous journey through the wild back lands of China, Mongolia and Tibet in the years 1890-91. This book gives a unique snapshot of these regions as they were in the 1890s. At that time the vast area of Tibet, from Tsaparang in the West to Xining in the North and Chamdo in the South-East, was underu the rule of the powerful Lamas. In the following pages I have endeavored to give the results obtained during a journey of several thousand miles through a very imperfectly known portion of the Chinese Empire. My object has been to supply facts concerning the country, of an historical, geographical, and ethnographical nature, and not to attempt to turn out a well-finished bit of literary work.Besides the notes collected on my journey, I have been able to improve and complete my work in many cases by those made during a four years’ residence in Peking