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  The Land Of Charitya Descriptive Account Of Travancore And Its People With Especial Reference To Missionary Labour

The Land Of Charitya Descriptive Account Of Travancore And Its People With Especial Reference To Missionary Labour

by Samuel Mateer

  Price : Rs 1600.00
  Your Price : Rs 1168.00
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  A popular, comprehensive work upon Travancore and Missionary operations in that territory, for the use of missionaries and students and the friends of missions at home, has long been felt to be a desideratum. During a residence of over nine years in India wholly occupied in vernacular labours amongst the natives, and constantly enjoying as close familiar intercourse with them as is possible for a European, the writer continued, both as a matter of duty and of pleasure, to collect information of all kinds -- about the country and people, and several years ago sketched out the plan of this work. Having conceived, however, a high ideal of the excellence, both in substance and style, which ought to characterize a work produced by a competent and graphic pen on a subject so extensive and so interesting in every aspect, he waited for other and abler hands to undertake the duty, and repeatedly expressed his surprise that this had not been done. In his frequent tours during the last two years in Great Britain and Ireland, lecturing and preaching on behalf of the London Missionary Society, receiving everywhere the kindest hospitality, and enjoying Christian intercourse with many friends of the Society, he has had special opportunities of learning what kind of information is wanted by the supporters of our Indian missions; and this he has attempted to supply in the present volume.

ISBN : 9788121236782

Pages : 402
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