This concise and very informative book is a ready-reckoner of sorts of the history of Afghanistan. It is a country which should be of interest to thinking Englishmen, for its history during the last hundred years has been closely bound up with the history of our Indian Empire; and whatever may be the course of future events in Asia, the Afghan tribes, with their warlike character and rugged territory, will always have an important part to play. Having seen something of them, in peace and in war, and learned to admire their many fine qualities, the author hopes that they may long retain the independence to which they are so passionately attached, and that their future relations with them may become more and more friendly. His long service on the North-West Frontier, and his evident sympathy with the people among whom he has spent so much of his life, must make what he writes valuable to all students of Afghan affairs. This book gives in a connected form, the record of the most important incidents in the history of the Afghans, and their dealing with the neighboring countries, from medieval times up till the 20th century. Records of boundary conditions, wars and skirmishes, the principal characters, historical places and connected events, racial differences etc, all find mention in this book. There is 1 map in this work, which is a reprint of the 1910 edition.