About The Book -The collection here is not entirely from the works of S`ankara, but from all works bearing on the Philosophy taught by S`ankara and his followers. It is not certain when S`ankara lived ; some place him after, some before Christ. He was a Brahmana native of some obscure town on the coast of Malabar. He is reported to be an incarnation of god S`iva. He found the Light while yet eight years of age, and, with the permission of his fond mother, lie renounced the world and became a Sannijmin. One thing is clear from the records we have of this great teacher. India was divided into a number of religious sects, the people were torn into a number of castes, and the dry forms of ritualism were crushing all spirit out of the true Ideal of the Veda. This Ideal lay in the Advaita the last initiation spoken of in the Upaniahadu, The keepers of this Mystery were daily growing jealous of all who, without the training, tried to lift the veil in idle curiosity. Those who caught glimpse of the Truth liad not strength to bear its glare.
ISBN : 9788121222792
Pages : 267