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  The History Of Kashgharia

The History Of Kashgharia

by H. W. Bellew

  Price : Rs 760.00
  Your Price : Rs 554.80
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  The following sketch of the history of Kashgharia, and supplementary description of the country, have been prepared for submission to Government at the request of Sir Douglas Forsyth, late Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Kashghar. The work has been compiled from such authorities and materials as were accessible at the time, coupled with the results of personal enquiry and observation on the spot during the stay of the Embassy in the country. These from the nature of the case, it will be understood, were found as limited as the time itself at his disposal and, though no labour has been spared in reducing the mass of materials collected into a consecutive and at the same time brief form, there has consequently been no attempt to enter into lengthy detail. This last result could only have been accomplished had he enjoyed the advantage of a reference to European and Oriental libraries, and a sufficient leisure to study the subject. He trusts, however, that the history and description of this, to us, new region, such as they are, will be found to contain some interesting and useful information, and serve to convey a correct knowledge of the past events and present condition of the country to which they relate. The ancient history of this region, which constitutes no mean portion, as regards superficial extent at least, of that vast territory indicated by the comprehensive term Central Asia, is enveloped in the doubts of obscurity that surround all ancient history.

ISBN : 9788121221726

Pages : 138
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