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  The Historic Tragedy Of The Island Of Ceilao

The Historic Tragedy Of The Island Of Ceilao

by Joao Ribeiro, P. E. Pieris

  Price : Rs 1130.00
  Your Price : Rs 824.90
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  Ceilao is a beautiful Island. To prepare the script of this memoir cost the author more to acquire than to commit to writing, because it was obtained not from hearsay, but from toil and experience. They are due to his regret that there is no one willing to occupy himself in placing on record the greatness and the events of Ceilao so that they may reach the notice of everyone. They deserved to be engraved on plates of bronze to be preserved for ever in the recollection of man, not only for the benignity of its nature, its wealth, and other circumstances, but also for the different and varying incidents which we encountered there against two such powerful enemies. To prevent confusion, the author has divided the little treatise into three books. In the first, he points out what Ceilao is, and the title of most serene kings, a title obtained by legacy and not by force, to this beautiful island. In the second is detailed the progress of that war. In the third, he states some reasons to prove that it was to his advantage to have occupied Ceilao alone with everything he had in the State of India. So, the book is good for all.

ISBN : 9788121234900

Pages : 284
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