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  The Great Beyond: Scientific Evidence of Life after Death

The Great Beyond: Scientific Evidence Of Life After Death

by Sudipta Kumar De

  Price : Rs 690.00
  Your Price : Rs 503.70
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  ABOUT THE BOOK/AUTHOR:- The existence of life after death is the greatest mystery guarded by the nature. It is a subject that touches the life of every man and woman, uniting the entire human race under a cloud of inevitable mortality. The rich and the poor, the saint and the sinner, the powerful and the humble all leave this planet eventually. Throughout time, every major religion, philosophy, and spiritual train of thought has sought to explain this mystery. With all the confusing, contradictory messages – wouldn`t you love to know the truth, once and for all? Do you want to help your friends and family avoid being tricked by deceptions? Scientists have long sought an answer to this age-old question, but now experts are claiming that there is no death of consciousness – just death of the body. Quantum Physics allows consciousness to live on following the body`s eventual demise. In the Quantum Universe we exist indefinitely. WE ARE IMMORTAL. Death is actually a pleasant experience, but as long as we have not become the Soul (Self Realized), we will fear death. All human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as Souls. Karma (Cosmic law of cause and effect) is the ultimate power of the Universe. The physical body is the field in which the fruit of Karma is experienced. Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS. This book scientifically explains the nature of the Soul, as well as the cycle of birth and death and how they relate to reincarnation and Karma. Although very heavily referenced, the book makes for interesting reading, focusing in depth into this fascinating and challenging subject, and develops many interesting research questions. Please read on to unravel the world of death. Thank you.

ISBN : 9789353241919

Pages : 476
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