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  The European In India Or Anglo-Indian’S Vade-Mecum

The European In India Or Anglo-Indian’S Vade-Mecum

by Edmund C. P. Hull

  Price : Rs 740.00
  Your Price : Rs 540.20
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  The author of this book has made an elaborate attempt to explore new avenues. During his fifteen years of staying in Ceylon and different parts of India, he has written this light hearted look at the various aspects of English life and every day activities. It was, therefore, natural that there should prove to be many subjects upon which he found himself in a position to give them information and advice; and such were the circumstances which suggested to him the idea, at a time when he was temporarily released from the harness of regular occupation, of writing a work, to serve as a compendium of practical hints relating to daily life in India, for the use of that important class who year by year go out into swell the ranks of the Anglo-Indian community. Through these topics like Starting With The Subject Of Outfits It Covers Routes, First Impressions, Climate And Seasons-Housekeeping, Servants, Children, Travelling, Horses And Dogs, Social Customs, Natives-Conclusions-Medical Guide Disease, List Of Medicines Etc., the writer has raised these pertinent points about the Anglo-Indians.

ISBN : 9788121233699

Pages : 372
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