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  The Desert Route To India Being The Journals Of Four Travellers By The Great Desert Caravan Route Between Aleppo And Basra 1745-1751

The Desert Route To India Being The Journals Of Four Travellers By The Great Desert Caravan Route Between Aleppo And Basra 1745-1751

by Douglas Carruthers

  Price : Rs 1010.00
  Your Price : Rs 737.30
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  The author has discussed the journals of four travellers in William Beawes, Gaylard Roberts, Bartholomew Plaisted, and John Carmichael in this book. In view of the ever-growing desire for fast communication between East and West—Europe and the Orient—the achievements and experiences of the earlier travellers demand even greater attention. For the most modern lines of communication with the Orient are harking back to the most ancient. Even as the growth of sea-borne trade destroyed the old caravan-traffic, so the air-lines of the present day are in many cases superseding the ocean routes and are actually reverting to those well worn tracks so familiar to the pioneers of Eastern commerce. Chapter I -Narrative of A Journey From Aleppo to Basra in 1745 with William Beawes; Chapter II-Account of A Journey from Basra to Aleppo in 1748 with Gaylard Roberts; Chapter III-Narrative of a Journey from Basra to Aleppo in 1750 with Bartholomew Plaisted; and Chapter 4 - Narrative of a Journey from Aleppo to Basra in 1751 with John Carmichael. Concerning the personal history of the author of the following narrative nothing has been discovered. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1929.

ISBN : 9788121233149

Pages : 246
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