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  Unknown Mongolia: A Record Of Travel And Exploration In North-West Mongolia And Dzungaria

Unknown Mongolia: A Record Of Travel And Exploration In North-West Mongolia And Dzungaria

by Douglas Carruthers

  Price : Rs 3800.00
  Your Price : Rs 2774.00
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  The purpose of these volumes is to place on record an account of certain regions of Upper Asia, hitherto left undescribed. The narrative of the journey is interwoven with an account of geographical exploration, with a broad outline of the history, and with a description of the races and the physical features of the land as a whole. The scope of the work is set forth at length in the introduction. The writer of this book, turning aside from the more familiar pathways of recent travel and reverting to the taste of an earlier generation, has selected a little-known portion of Central Asia as the scene of the explorations herein described. The difficulty of combining scientific observations and a descriptive account of a particular region, with the story of our own experiences has led to the elimination of technicalities, except where absolutely necessary. While these volumes present the broad picture and subserve the general purpose to which he has referred, there are chapters in them which merit special attention. The book is illustrated profusely (168), panoramas and diagrams, and six maps. The illustrations are, with two exceptions, all from the author’s own photographs.

ISBN : 9788121245548

Pages : 950
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