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  The Castes Customs, Manners And Literature Of The Tamils

The Castes Customs, Manners And Literature Of The Tamils

by Simon Casie Chitty

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 438.00
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  This book gives the features of the life of the Tamils in Ceylon. It gives notes on the origin and country of the Tamils, the different aspects of caste, rites and ceremonies, religion and superstitions of these people. The caste systems in Sri Lanka are social stratification systems found among the ethnic groups of the island since ancient times. However the Caste System in Sri Lanka is futile in the sense that due to Sri Lanka being a Buddhist majority country and Buddhism does not accept the Caste System and the Buddha himself denounced the Caste System which was present in mainland India. The models are similar to those found in Continental India, but are less extensive and important for various reasons, although the caste systems still play an important and at least symbolic role in religion and politics. Sri Lanka is often considered to be a casteless or caste-blind society by Indians. The caste systems of Sri Lanka were historically not tied to the religious establishment but rather a tool to service the ruling elite - a model more reminiscent of feudalism in Europe. At least three major, parallel caste systems exist in Sri Lankan society: Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamil and Indian Tamils.The caste system of the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils display some similar traits, where both systems having comparable castes with similar occupation and status. So this book is an indispensable one in the context of the subject.

ISBN : 9788121245050

Pages : 149
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The Castes Customs, Manners And Literature Of The Tamils
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Castes, Customs, Manners, and Literature of the Tamils
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