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  The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality)

The Brainstem Brainwaves Of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis Of Science And Spirituality)

by Sutapas Bhattacharya

  Price : Rs 1800.00
  Your Price : Rs 1314.00
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  The Divine Light (Pure Consciousness) is central to Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam/Sufism, Platonism/Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism. It is the Universal Spirit within us. With masses of evidence drawn from scholarly sources, this book demonstrates how the archetypal spiritual experiences underlying religious myths are explained scientifically based on the true scientific explanation of The Light and of enlightenment. This overwhelming evidence provides the `Authority of Evidence` which, combined with rigorous argument, allows the author to repudiate famous Western thinkers including Nobel laureate scientists in regard to Consciousness and Spirituality. Dominant Western academic myths denying the possibility of unmediated, mystical knowledge of the Transcendental Realm underlying natural phenomena are undermined along with the West`s false pretensions to Universality. In so doing the author exposes the Institutional Racism of Western Academia which peddles Eurocentric and White Supremacist myths about `Ancient Greeks` and the History of Science and refuses to take seriously non- European metaphysics. In establishing the One True Ontology, not only does this book truly integrate Science and Spirituality, Eastern and Western philosophies etc., but it also demonstrates that 21st Century Science actually resembles Ancient Indian metaphysics rather than the invalid, Anthropocentric myths of `Ancient Greek` and Modern Western philosophers.

ISBN : 9788121212212

Pages : 632
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