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  Studies In Eastern Religions

Studies In Eastern Religions

by Alfred S. Geden

  Price : Rs 1550.00
  Your Price : Rs 1131.50
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  About The Book- The religious systems and beliefs that enter here into consideration would be perhaps more accurately described as the Religions of India and the Far East. The term Eastern Religions, although convenient, is too broad and comprehensive. It would include for example Muhammadanism Zoroastrianism and Christianity itself; and except incidentally, these do not fall within the range of subjects now proposed. The chronological order of their appearance, the four referred to are Brahmanism or Hinduism with its various branches. Buddhism, Christianity, and finally Muhammadanism. With this classification, as with any other, it would be easy to find fault on the side of defect, that it omits much which is important. These four however are of permanent interest, have been most widely influential, and have practically divided the world between them at the present day.

ISBN : 9788121213219

Pages : 400
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