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  South Indian Customs

South Indian Customs

by P. V. Jagadisa Ayyar

  Price : Rs 730.00
  Your Price : Rs 532.90
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  Through this work the author has made a noble attempt to deal with various social customs prevalent in Southern India. Not even a single one of the Hindu customs, however minor and unpretentious they might be, all have a sound and solid base and background. Therefore the Hindus hold that their customs and usages are inviolable though they appear to be meaningless and unintelligible at the present comment. Essentially religious, the customs and usages prevalent in the land are, in the opinion of the Hindus as sacred as religion itself. He has dealt with a wide range of subjects and has endeavored to give an explanation pertaining to the rationale of the customs. Fifty one customs have been mention and among them are discussed evil eye, caste marks, prostration before the sun, margosa leaves in front of the houses, marriage ceremonies, use of cow dung, sati, palmistry, yellow robes, purification ring, diets, pollution, inauspicious months etc. So, every one of the Hindu customs can be shown to be based on not only a religious standpoint but also the standpoint of hygienic, morality, medicine and general utility.

ISBN : 9788121240505

Pages : 181
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