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  Sikhim And Bhutan Twenty-One Years On The North-East Frontier 1887-1908

Sikhim And Bhutan Twenty-One Years On The North-East Frontier 1887-1908

by J. Claude White

  Price : Rs 710.00
  Your Price : Rs 518.30
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  The author of this discourse reveals that his Indian career has extended to nearly 32 years of active service in British era, and of that more than 20 years were spent on the North East Frontier in the administration, as well as the political charge, of the little-known State of Sikhim, and latterly in political charge of the even lesser-known State of Bhutan and certain portions, including Chumbi and Gyantse, of South East Tibet; and as he had in addition spent over a year in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, he may lay to claim to an intimate knowledge of this Frontier, which is his excuse for putting his experiences in print. Mentioned in the book are all sorts of useful information, and often the first such notices to be written in English. There are 23 chapters in the book that describe the history; the authors early life there; the participation of the hill chiefs in the Darbar; the author`s expeditions and explorations; an account of the author`s first mission to Bhutan; earlier British missions to Bhutan; Bhutan`s foreign relations with the neighbouring areas; arts and industries; laws; list of flora and fauna, etc. There are 41 illustrations and 1 map in this book, which was first published in 1909. The book is immensely good for the students and the researchers.

ISBN : 9788121240154

Pages : 433
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Sikhim and Bhutan: Twenty-one Years on the North-East Frontier 1887-1908
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Sikhim And Bhutan: Twenty One Years On The North East Frontiers 1887-1908
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