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  Ringworm: Its Constitutional Nature and Cure

Ringworm: Its Constitutional Nature And Cure

by J. Compton Burnett

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 219.00
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  About The Book :Ringworm inspires disgust ; more or less almost all skin diseases do that, and yet a perfectly clear skin may enclose a very diseased organism, and a skin- diseased person may have a relatively much better constitution, and have all his internal organs in a relatively much better state, his cutaneous manifestations notwithstanding. In regard to ringworm in general opinion that absolutely healthy children do not and cannot, catch it. Before they can catch ringworm it is essential that they be in tainted health in some way, for otherwise they could not supply to the parasitic fungi the food which they need to live and thrive on, and to continue their propagation.The trichophyton is not the disease itself, but its organic scavenger. Cure the internal disease, and this scavenger dies.

ISBN : 9788121266017

Pages : 130
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