In a cross- culyural perspective, tjis book depicts the problems and potentials of women profes- sinals. Data were collected from both Indian and Canadian women , Ppiying a structured questionnaire devloped by the author covering a large number of areas of enquiry. The infomation thus gathered were analysed in three major sections. Thus the book with its transdisciplinary character covers a wide range of germance issies and problems of proffessinal women The richness and complexity of these issues and the future of women peofessinals. This book is unique in the sence that in sddition to history developmwnt of women`s movment it has dwmonstrated very clearly the issuse and Promlems embedded in the mind of the professinoal women The author has critically and scientificaally examines all these issuse and problems The book will be very helpful to psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and Policy makers For all thouse who engage themsenles in women stidies, the book will prove cogent and comprehensive. Prof. (Mrs.) Anima Sen had a very distin guished career, with first -class records and awards throughout After obtaining Ph. D. degree from the University of Hull U. K.,she joined Delhi University on 1969. She was a repicent of many international Berkarly Shastri Indo Canada; Visiting Lecturership in the University of Paries France among many other The National Fellowship in 1994, and the present book is an outcome of this research She had produced 17 Ph. Ds. and 20 M. Phils in different sreas of Psychology both experimen- tal and applid She had visited many countries like U.K., U. S. A. France Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic Brlgium and Canada Holland, Czech Republic Belgium and Canada.
ISBN : 9788121206389
Pages : 280