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  Police in India Problems and Perspectives

Police In India Problems And Perspectives

by K.M. Mathur

  Price : Rs 660.00
  Your Price : Rs 481.80
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  The book examines how the police developed in various societies, what role it is expected to play in a pluralistic developing society and many such critical issues which provide proper perspectives to the police. The author has provided a penetrating study about police culture, police leadership, police moral and police training in the content of changing perspectives. The extent and scope of the complexity and intenity of the police have been ably delineated with a view to shed adequate light on the organisational nexus and social identities of mass pluralities in the context of democratic system.The book covers a wide range of subjects related to police. The author has dealt complex subjects such as collective violence, terrorism and growing agrarian unrest. Reasons for erosion in police morale has been analysed in our changing society. The work will make useful and informative reading not for police officers but also for police planners, administrators, politicians, student and the public at large.

ISBN : 9788121203500

Pages : 328
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