Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England by Bussorah, Baghdad, the Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the Court of Persia, the Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh in the year 1824, Keppel visited Armenia and towns in Karabagh/Artsakh (including Shushi/Sheesha), as well as Baku and Shamakhi, and commented on many aspects of Armenian secular and religious life. My fellow-travellers — Futteh Ali Khan—Departure from Bombay—Persian Syyud—His compliment to the English, and opinion of our devotion; Dinner with the Prince; Arrival at Muscat; wahhabbee Pirate- Town of Muscat; Suburbs of Muscat — Drunken Persian; Sterile appearance of the country; Cape Musendom; Pilot’s mode of navigating the Ship; The Sheikh`s modest demeanour — His residence — Repast — Spirited reply of the Sheikh’s Son—Captain Taylor—Land at Bussorah—New Governor—Ex-Governor —The New Governor’s Public Entrance into Bussorah; Ancient Ruins—Tombs of Ali the Barmecide, and of Zobeir, an Arab Chief—Town of Zobeir—Sheikh of Dirhemmia—City of Bussorah—Filth of the Streets ;Our Boatmen and Guard — Abstinence from Wine—Koorna—The River Tigris—II Jezeerah, the reputed Site of Paradise—Appearance of the Country—Our first Interview with the Desert Arabs; Aboo Nasir—Village Jester—Akushee—English Gentlemen attacked by the Arabs—Munjummil—Thuyn II Swyah—Mohumud Abool Hassan—We are challenged from the shore by the Arabs; Tortuous course of the River—Extensive Ruins—Fire Temple—Devil`s dance—Dawurree, a tribe of thieves and buffoons—Ruins of Seleucia—Camel-riding—Illustration of the Prophecy of Isaiah—Ancient Statue; The Pasha`s Garden—Armenian Church—Our Host’s Policy—Monastery of Calendars—Tomb of Zobeide—Visit to the Catholic Bishop of Bagdad; Bir-iunus — Caravans of Persian Pilgrims—Mode of Travelling — Women — Corpses — Coffins — Iskanderia— Earthenware Coffins—Mohowel; Babylonian Inscriptions; Earthenware Tombs; Triumph of Travelling over Prejudice—Grotesque Dance —Fire Temple—Presentation to the Pasha of Bagdad Feast of St. Gregory; First impressions on visiting Bagdad; Buildings in the time of Haroun Alraschid—A House —Mosque—Disregard of the Turks for Antiquities; Advice to Travellers; Ruins of Artemita—Historical Notice of Shehreban— Ruins of Apollonia—Crossing the Diala—Ancient Tradition—The Hamerine or Carduchian Mountains; Ruin at Baradan—Gaur, the City of Magicians— Khanaki—Our Janizary—Calor, a Tribe of Banditti— Annoyances of the Journey—The Shurgee or Siroc Wind —Ruins of Kisra Shereen; March by Moonlight—Our Chief Muleteer—Pool Zohaub—Stupendous Scenery—Curious Custom of Illyaut Women—Ancient Sculpture.
ISBN : 9788121264549
Pages : 358