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  Migration And Covid-19: Gender Perspective

Migration And Covid-19: Gender Perspective

by Dr. A. Ranjithkumar, Ms. M. Eswari, Dr. Anji A

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 292.00
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  ABOUT THE BOOK The book tries to discuss a gender perspective on migration and Covid-19. The main purpose of this book is to critically examine the impact of Govt-19 among women migrant workers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, migrant workers faced many difficulties with the closure of plants and work environments in the country, large numbers of migrant workers were needed to manage the impact of wage shortages, food shortages and their future. Following this, a significant number of them and their families were starving. Many of them were locked up at the time and began to return home without any mode of transportation. The entire migrant workers in India have been seriously affected and they have also faced health problems.

ISBN : 9789353246204

Pages : 267
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