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  Mesmerism In India And Its Practical Application In Surgery And Medicine

Mesmerism In India And Its Practical Application In Surgery And Medicine

by James Esdaile

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 474.50
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  The author narrates that how a new and powerful means of alleviating human suffering can be experienced among the natives of Bengal. To what extent other varieties of mankind are capable of benefiting by this natural curative power. He feels that criticism will be chiefly expended upon a careful examination of the alleged facts, and their practical application to the improvement of Surgery and Medicine. By chronic treatment is meant daily mesmerizing without the intention of entrancing the patient, which is not necessary. What the author now offer to the public is the result of only eight months mesmeric practice, in a country charity hospital, but it has been sufficient to demonstrate the singular and most beneficial influence that Mesmerism exerts over the constitution of the people of Bengal, and that painless surgical operations, and other medical advantages, are their natural birthright, out of this, they will be no longer deprived. The subject of the book is very delicate. There is no statement in the book to which exception may justly be taken. The book is immensely beneficial to readers.

ISBN : 9789353245412

Pages : 167
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