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  Letters On Ceylon Particularly Relative To The Kingdom Of Kandy

Letters On Ceylon Particularly Relative To The Kingdom Of Kandy

by L. De Bussche

  Price : Rs 330.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.90
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  The author has compiled this book on the basis of four chapters written by the author to his friend. He is aware that the public do not take that interest in what relates to Ceylon which a colony so valuable deserves; and though he is far from presuming that these letters will be the means of increasing that interest, he trusts that many families who have friends and relations in that island will be gratified by their perusal. In his capacity as the Deputy Adjutant General in Ceylon he was capable to write these accounts of Ceylon in general and Kandy in particular. The situation of the writer for several years in Ceylon, enabled him to collect, at least correct, information little known till now respecting Kandy, and the interior provinces, and to remove those apprehensions which have prevailed as to the insalubrities of the climate. It is to the numerous friends of Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Brownrigg that these letters are particularly offered. To them all the good Sir Robert has done in the Island of Ceylon, and all the benefit and credit he has rendered to his country, however imperfectly described, cannot fail to be acceptable. There is no one of his numerous or oldest friends who can cherish for him more attachment, esteem, and admiration than is felt by the writer of these letters. The letters are dated 19th June 1815, 7th July 1816, 24th July 1816 and 3rd March 1817.

ISBN : 9788121237017

Pages : 171
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