Among all the European scholars who have been engaged in the study of the works of the. Sanskrit grammarians, no one has more patiently, minutely, and thoroughly examined the Maha bhashya, than the late Prof. Goldstuckcr. His essay on Paijini betrays a familiarity with the work of Patanjali to which no other scholar has as yet attained, and which few are likely to acquire in the future. It is on this account that the views which have been expressed by Prof. Goldstuckcr regarding the Mahabhashya, are deserving of the highest consideration; but the very weight which justly attaches to that scholar’s opinions, at the same time imposes on those who may devote themselves to grammatical studies after him, the duty of independently examining and testing their value, and of publicly discussing such doubts and objections as may occur to them in the course of their own reading. And the adoption of such a course appears to be the more called for, when we find that not only have some of the views held by Prof. Goldstucker been apparently widely adopted without such examination, but that views have even been ascribed to him which are at variance with those to which he has actually given expression in his Panini.