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  Journals of Travels: in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan and the neighbouring countries

Journals Of Travels: In Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan And The Neighbouring Countries

by William Griffith,Arranged By John Mcclelland

  Price : Rs 2450.00
  Your Price : Rs 1788.50
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  About The Book -: The usefulness of educational account that focus noution of the cultural inheritance of particular groups depends upon how sophisticated is their return of culture. The author notices from libraries and extracts from correspondences as follows : Assam Deputation for the Examination of the Tea Plant; Excursion in the Mishmee Mountains; Tea localities in the Muttock Districts; Upper Assam. Upper Assam towards Hookum; Journey from Hookum to Ava; Botanical Notes; Notes on descending the Irrawaddi from Ava to Rangoon; Journey towards Assam; Journey in Bootan; The Mission from Bootan; with Meteorological Observations; The Army of the Indus; from Loodianah to Candahar; Journey from Candahar to Cabul; Journey from Cabul to Bamean ; Journey from Cabul to Jallalabad and Peshawur; Journey from Peshawur to Pushut; Journey from Pushut to Kuttoor and Barowl in Kaffiristan; Journey from Cabul to Kohi-Baba; Journey from Peshawur to Lahore; Journey from Lahore to Simla.

ISBN : 9788121212397

Pages : 609
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