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  Intimate Glimpses Of My Sterious Tibet And Neighbouring Countries

Intimate Glimpses Of My Sterious Tibet And Neighbouring Countries

by G.E.O. Knight

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 109.50
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  In the following pages, the author has endeavoured to present a faithful sketch of a series made by him in such truly romantic countries as Tibet, Sikkim and Nepal etc. It is needless to say that this little discourse has not been written for the scholar, but solely for those jaded men and women, who love reading stories of adventure and distant lands. To all such the writer recommends the work for what it is worth. The book discusses following chapters like Foreword, Introduction, Darjeeling, Sikkim, The Chumbey valley, Tibet, Chortens, Prayer Flags and Devil Dances, Phari the Foul, Over the Tremo into Bhutan, A Meeting with a Distinguished Explorer, Monastries, Some Curious Tibetan Beliefs, Return to Sikkim and the Buddhist Tibet. The book was first published in 1997.

ISBN : 9788121236294

Pages : 78
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