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  Impact of Modern Techniques in Information Services

Impact Of Modern Techniques In Information Services

by R.C. Ganguly

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 693.50
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  There are phenomenal changes that the information technology has brought in the process of collection, storage and distribution of information, particularly with the rise of the internet, compact discs, digital libraries and other technological paraphernalia of our age. These certainly are a better and viable option than cumbersome stone tables, paper rolls and books that have, since the beginning of written civilisation, been the media of storing and accessing information. This books has been written to serve as a forum for the discussion of the issues surrounding the archiving of digital information, how it forms a cause for concern for many, and what can be done to alleviate this problems. The emphasis is on the technologies that are currently in place to combat this issue, and what is being done to redress it in more effective ways. It is hoped that the erudition and insight of the book serves well for those in library and information services.

ISBN : 9788182054318

Pages : 326
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