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  Impact of Globalisation and Retaining Strategies For Labour and Employment

Impact Of Globalisation And Retaining Strategies For Labour And Employment

by A. Balakrishnan

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 693.50
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  This book is the outcome of the seminar conducted on the topic Impact of Globlisation and Retaining Strategies for Labour and Employment by the Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram Rural University. There were 69 papers presented in the seminar by the academicians, field level activists and experts from Non-Government Organizations. The articles were edited meticulously and this volume four sections viz: Section A: Organised and Unorganised Sectors: Under this, nineteen articles are presented and these articles throw light on the important issues related to globalization in various industries. Section B: Women and Agricultural Labourers: Under this, eight articles are included to discuss the problems of women and their conditions elaborately. Section C: Issues of Textile Labourers: In this, six articles are included and these reveal the conditions and issues of textile workers. Section D: Migrant Labourers in Various Industries: This section contains eleven articles related to labour migrations, especially the problems of migrant labourers, their socioeconomic conditions and problems related to their industries. Also child labour problems are discussed in the same. This volume is a rich contribution to the study of labour issues and the working conditions with reference to India. The articles included in this volume are useful to the persons who are interested in the same area and others could make use of this book as reference to academics, government and non-government officials who are concerned about labour in organised and unorganised sectors.

ISBN : 9788178356020

Pages : 390
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