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  Hungarian Self – Taught: By The Natural Method With Phonetic Pronunciation

Hungarian Self – Taught: By The Natural Method With Phonetic Pronunciation

by Count De Soissons, Ilona De Gyory Ginever

  Price : Rs 460.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.80
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  The publication of this book marks the inclusion of a new group of languages in the "Self-Taught Series," Hungarian being akin to the languages of the Finns, Lapps, and certain tribes in Russia and Siberia, whilst standing quite apart from the Latin, German, Scandinavian and other groups. The main purpose of this manual is to facilitate the speedy acquisition of a working and practical knowledge of Hungarian, as far as possible without the usual long and tedious operation of mastering the Grammar, which many persons find it impracticable or distasteful to undertake, to whom, nevertheless, some acquaintance with the spoken tongue is necessary, or at least advantageous, for the purposes of commerce or of travel and pleasure. The book chiefly consists, therefore, of a large number of comprehensive vocabularies, and collections of idiomatic conversational phrases and sentences, such as are required for everyday use, carefully selected and classified according to subject. The words in each vocabulary are placed in alphabetical order, and there are cross-references between the vocabularies and the corresponding groups of sentences. For the benefit of students and others who desire to become more closely acquainted with Hungarian, a very full outline of the Grammar is added, followed by a section on Etymology, and thus the way is opened to the thorough study and mastery of the language. To commercial men, tourists, travellers, students, and all who desire to enter into communication with the Hungarians, this work will prove a useful and valuable handbook of the language.

ISBN : 9788121244305

Pages : 116
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