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  Human Right Challenges in 21St Century

Human Right Challenges In 21St Century

by V.N. Viswanathan

  Price : Rs 720.00
  Your Price : Rs 525.60
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  Human Rights which existed as mere theoretical debate during the pre-Second world War have now become a practical goal of many modern Nation-states across the world. Today, the leaders of the world recognized the need to inculcate the indicators of human right protections and pratice as an input for development. The multidimensional aspects of human rights are discussed in this book in a lucid manner with appropriate case studies and examples. Imparting human values and human rights culture in every walk of life is the focal points of this book. The scholars form various discipline has contributed their views and thus made the book as multidisciplinary in its outlook. It addresses the challenges of 21st century with regard to the pratice of human rights in the context of modern development. International, national human rights laws and the institution which executed these laws and the practical limitations are critically dealt in his book. Almost all sub-themes of human rights are critically analyzes with possible suggestion and recommendations for further strengtening the practice of good governance and democracy. This edited volume is useful for human rights activists, political leaders at different levels, lawyers, civil servants, research scholars belonging to various disciplines such as sociology, social work, political science, law, criminology, ethics, and other related social sciences. The value-centric approach of this book on various aspects of human rights issues are the most attracting features. It is certainly the most reliable source book for the contemporary issues of human rights.

ISBN : 9788178356587

Pages : 304
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