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  From The Gulf To Ararat An Expedition Through Mesopotamia And Kurdistan

From The Gulf To Ararat An Expedition Through Mesopotamia And Kurdistan

by G. E. Hubbard

  Price : Rs 1160.00
  Your Price : Rs 846.80
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  The author feels that the substance of this book consists of little more than a record of personal experiences and impressions of the tribes and countries through which they passed at the time of their journey. Politics lie outside its scope, and he has condensed within the limits of a single chapter what little he has to say on such general topics as the connection between their own country and Mesopotamia. Often amusing but always informative it reveals the realities of making a boundary in practice and the need to be aware of local factors such as race, tradition, and religion, when dealing with boundary issues. Like other travelogues he peppers his account with amusing anecdotes and vistas of the customs and folklore of the areas he travels through. The book has a chapter on the history, customs and manner of the Kurds. The majority of the photographs which illustrated this book were taken by Captain Brooke.

ISBN : 9788121234184

Pages : 349
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