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  From Akbar to Aurangzeb: A Study in Indian Economic History

From Akbar To Aurangzeb: A Study In Indian Economic History

by W.H. Moreland

  Price : Rs 1570.00
  Your Price : Rs 1146.10
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  About The Book -: This is a study of Indian economic history. The economic position is sketched at the opening of the seventeenth century. The period covers the reigns of the Mughal Emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Apart from chronological or dynastic consideration, this period has a unity of its own. In the region of commerce, it is marked by the practical elimination of the Portuguese, the establishment of Dutch and English merchants in the country, and the first experimental phase of the newcomers` activities; while in the wider economic sphere it covers the most significant stage in the deterioration of Akbar`s administrative institutions.The order of study has been determined mainly by the nature of the materials which are available. The Dutch and English records of the period, while they are incomplete, are sufficiently copious to render possible a tolerably precise treatment of the commerce with which they are primarily concerned, while their examination for this purpose furnishes a large mass of incidental observations, which enable us to interpret with some degree of confidence the fragmentary information supplied by Indian sources regarding the economic life of the country as a whole, and its domination by the activities of the various administrations.

ISBN : 9788121299794

Pages : 385
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